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Save Matthias Preview

He approached the valley of Bordeaux’s army. Matthias stayed by the rocks and hid as much as he could. Then he noticed that there were no men guarding the perimeter.

He moved into the open to see if that would draw them out. Still, he saw nothing. He looked at the valley, which was covered with fires and blackness. The ground was torn up. There were stations made with wood. The area was like a small city. He knew there had to be thousands of them. Matthias heard a lot of noise coming from a large area in the side of the hills. As he came around the rest of the rocks, there they stood—demonic men as far as he could see. They were together all around the entrance and inside of the large cavern. As Matthias got closer, men came from behind him.

He was surrounded by the bulk of Bordeaux’s army. Matthias drew his sword, but none attacked. Matthias slowly walked forward, realizing they were not threatening him. The men stayed far from him, guiding him into the cavern. Then a man came from the front of the cavern and said, “Our master waits for you.”

Matthias walked forward and entered the cavern, which was large and well built. There were fires everywhere, creating ash and smoke. He entered a large room cut out of stone. He looked around and saw all of the men piling in as much as they could. Then he heard a thundering voice from the top of the room: “Matthias Dante, here to die.”


The walls of the great cavern hall shook as the army filled its grounds. Most were funneled through the hall to the outside of the cavern. There was no way they could all fit to watch this battle. The small fires continued to burn all around. Ash and embers clouded the room. The high rock walls, finished with rafters and terraces, filled with men.

Matthias stood alone in the center of their hate, alone among thousands of dark men looking for his demise. The weight of the tension would have brought a normal man to his knees. Matthias stood tall.

Then Bordeaux spoke again. “Here to die or here to join us?”

Bordeaux was slowly coming down the rafters. With each step he took, the wood creaked; he was a menacing figure. Matthias stood quietly.

Bordeaux spoke again. “Fear have your tongue, Matthias Dante?”

Matthias said, “How do you know my name?”

Bordeaux laughed lightly. “There is nothing the darkness has not told us. There is nothing I cannot find about my enemy. I am Bordeaux. I’m the one to kill you.”

Matthias could feel Bordeaux’s energy. He was a powerful being. Matthias continued to watch Bordeaux’s every step. The men around him were fierce and couldn’t be still. They were pushing on each other and fighting to catch a view.

Bordeaux then said, “My friend Satorian will be pleased to know you are dead. He has been speaking of you for some time now. I bet you still have no idea how deep this really goes, do you? Simply, we are men of a dark being. A being of light has sent you. You’re in a battle you could never comprehend.”

Matthias spoke strongly. “I have comprehended enough to know that you’re all cowards and that you have given up your souls to the side that will fall, whether by my hand or the one who sent me. You really believe the world would be yours after cleansing it of good? There would be only one ruler, and he would never share power. I know enough, Bordeaux. I know my purpose.”

Bordeaux replied, “What is that?”

“To kill you all.”

Bordeaux came down the last flight of stairs and stood across from Matthias. Bordeaux carried a long sword. The handle of the blade rose above his head, and the blade’s tip extended to the back of his knee. The army scoffed and yelled at Matthias. They bombarded him with lies and insults.

Matthias was like a stone; he absorbed nothing. Bordeaux could not believe this individual was still standing there, not trying to run or begging for his life but just waiting.

Bordeaux found himself doubting, seeing the four swords Matthias carried. The fact that Matthias had made it so far against hundreds of men shook Bordeaux’s confidence. Bordeaux pushed his doubt out of his body and grabbed his sword. The sound of the sword coming from its sheath was loud and gritty. Bordeaux stood in front of Matthias, waiting for him to draw his sword.

Matthias waited, pacing back and forth, watching Bordeaux—sizing him up. Bordeaux moved to strike, but before his blade fell, Matthias drew his sword and blocked his stroke, pushing Bordeaux off balance. Bordeaux almost fell to the ground; his men caught him and pushed him back up.

Bordeaux pulled his blade high to strike down on Matthias. Matthias pulled out another sword and stopped the downward stroke. The impact was so powerful that it pushed Matthias down to his knee.

“Yes, kneel before me!” Bordeaux yelled.

Bordeaux continued to hammer down at Matthias, putting pressure on his arms and blades. Small pieces of steel flew from Matthias’s blades as he defended. Bordeaux had great power. Matthias waited for another downward stroke, and then he rolled to the side and stood up. Bordeaux was hard to strike; his height and the length of his sword kept Matthias on the defense.

Bordeaux said, “Do you feel it? The cold wind of death going down your neck. I was meant to kill you. What will you do now?”

Bordeaux attacked again. Matthias continued to defend well. Neither had landed a strike. Matthias took a few steps back and put one of his blades away. He was standing with a single blade. This tempted Bordeaux. One blade was not enough to stop the power of Bordeaux. Matthias closed his eyes. Bordeaux couldn’t believe it. The army was briefly quiet before erupting in shouts of “Kill him!”

Matthias stood calmly. He was playing over in his mind every motion he and Bordeaux had gone through. His thoughts cleared, and his mind centered. All the noise around him turned to silence. Bordeaux moved aggressively—he was going to deliver a blow with all his strength. Matthias could feel the vibrations of this giant coming closer. He waited patiently, and then he saw the opening he’d looked for in his mind.

Bordeaux started to come straight down with his stroke. Bordeaux knew he had him—until he saw the flash of a blade. His stroke fell and hit the earth, penetrating deep into the ground. Matthias was behind him, looking away from Bordeaux.

Matthias and Bordeaux both turned toward each other. Matthias held out his sword to Bordeaux; it was wet with blood. Bordeaux’s knees started to give, and he looked down at his chest to see a strike delivered straight to his heart. Bordeaux fell to his knees and looked up at Matthias, saying his last words: “You are a great one.”

Bordeaux fell over dead. Matthias stared at Bordeaux for a moment and then turned to the army. Thousands of men stood in front of Matthias—nearly impossible odds for him. He didn’t need the odds. His eyes burned white; his presence brought fear to all the men. They had seen him kill their master, a great and powerful man. The one man Satorian had feared was gone. Their fear was palpable.

Matthias looked at them and said, “If it’s death you seek, please come forward.”

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